Solving Printing Problems
Printing large pictures on all printers supported by Microsoft Windows platforms can be challenging. In particular, there are some limitations to certain printer drivers that can cause print problems.
If you experience problems printing, please try the following:
- Make sure you have the latest printer driver from your printer vendor.
- Make sure you have the latest updates to your operating system (Service packs, patches, etc).
- Try to print a small single picture in 4x6 mode. If this works, gradually increase the size before adding multiple prints.
- If you have the option to switch to a parallel port (from USB), try that.
- Try different paper layouts.
The following are known issues with printing:
- The spool file on certain laser printers can be larger than other programs. We are working on reducing the size of the spool file. This generally only causes problems with network attached printers.
- Certain USB printers have problems printing large multi-picture printouts. If you update the USB drivers or use the parallel port, these problems seem to be minimized. USB problems are very specific to the system and Operating system.
If you can not get your printer to work, please contact us at: We will need specific information about the printer, print driver and operating system to help solve your problem.